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5 Signs that Dance is Your Soul's Language

Dance has always been a part of my life. I was the little girl dancing in the mirror in my bedroom, creating choreographies for me and my friends. At sockhops and high school parties, I was always the one that couldn’t stop moving, reciting the songs and moving to the beats in one big ball of expression. Maybe you were something like this too?

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I didn’t realize until much later that dance was an integral part of my essence - one of the major languages of my soul in fact. It took honest and reflective conversations with friends and deep introspective time with myself to come to the realization that dance was not just something that I enjoyed, but was a transformative method of healing for myself and through me, for others.


I know that I am not the only one that has been given this gift either. I know that there are many other souls who speak through the language of dance. Whether they dance professionally, around the house, on the weekends or just in their own bedrooms, dance moves them and speaks for them in a way that is truly unique and special.


My guess is that if you’ve been drawn to read this article, you might be one of us.


But how do you know for sure? Well these 5 signs below are clear clues that dance could be a primary language of your soul. Welcome home if so <3! I’m creating a community just for us - to nurture and nourish the dancer’s soul - mind, body and spirit!


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1. You can’t help but dance - even when you’re sitting down.

Whether it’s bopping around in your car or sitting down for dinner, you can’t help but move. Friends and family often point out to you that you are dancing around to music that only you can here. You probably don’t even notice - it’s just an involuntary response, the same way someone twiddles their thumbs or taps their foot. Your body just needs to move and express itself, even if just slightly.


2. When you are happy, you dance.

This is another one that you probably haven’t noticed until someone pointed it out. When you are happy, you start dancing. Eating food you really enjoy? You start bobbing your head or shimmying your shoulders. Just got some good news? You break out into a little dance jig of celebration. Dancing is definitely one of your soul’s way of expressing happiness and it’s your default all the time.


3. You could watch dance videos - instructional or performances - all day long.

You watch dance videos the same way people watch music videos or gaming videos - video after video, hour after hour. Each one excites you even more, eliciting deep emotions within you - from tears to high-fives. What’s more, you imagine what it would feel like to be doing those actual moves. You envision how awesome it would be to learn the routines and you might even find yourself walking through some of it - rewinding that video just a few more times until you get at least one part of it down.


4. When you hear music, you automatically see choreography. In your mind’s eye, you are constantly seeing different ways to express the emotions you feel in songs.


You can envision huge ensembles and solo acts to your favorite music. You can sometimes even feel the ache in your bones to give a song a visual interpretation. You probably have a secret list of songs you would love to create your own choreographies to. I know that I do :-).



5. You were the closet/mirror dancer as a child.

You were the child upstairs in his or her room, pretending to be Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Ciara, Beyonce or any of the world’s other pop dance icons. You imagined yourself in your own music video - not singing, but *dancing*. You memorized all of the moves from their latest videos and performed them over and over again for yourself and whoever was willing to watch. You probably did a few family reunion and neighborhood talent shows too. You could spend all day happily dancing.

If you identify with even a few of these, dance is much more than just movement for you. It’s a need to move that feeds your soul. It gives you life just as much as you feel that you express your life through it. It is the ultimate form of nourishment and nurturing for your soul.


Oh if it were just that though. But dance also has its shadow side. In the pursuit of dance, we also run right up against our insecurities, fears, doubts and secret worries. In the expression of dance, we lay ourselves out in the most prostate and vulnerable of ways, exposing ourselves to the opinions and approval of others and challenging ourselves to be unaffected and undeterred by them. Dance lovingly gives us the opportunity to love, sometimes with toughness, on ourselves and face all of the things that make us want to shrink head on.


Its gift is multifold and dynamic in its highs and lows.

This is why I’m creating the Dancer’s Bliss Community - an Academy to Nourish the Dancer’s Soul - Mind, Body and Spirit.

With dance as our vehicle and connection, DBC will help you to navigate the terrain of growth that dance inevitably will introduce you to. No matter if you are an amateur dancer in love with social dancing as many nights as you can, a dance major auditioning for your first paying gig or a weekend professional dancing on stages to the wee hours of the night on Saturdays and punching a clock at your 9 to 5 on Mondays, this academy is where you can grow within a community that understands you, your passion and your desire to evolve and expand.

Simply put, I get it and together we get it.

The doors to the academy will open very soon and I would love for you to know as soon as they do. If you’d like to be notified, just click here and leave me your email address.

I promise, you will be first to know :-).   

As a special thank you, I'll also send you my Woowoo Resources for Dancers Guide with two powerful resources to help you embrace the magick of dance even more!

Sign up below to be notified when the Dancer's Bliss Academy opens!

Dancer's Bliss Academy coming soon!

Please enter your name and email below! Thank you!



3 Secrets to (Re)Claiming Free Time - Workshop next week

Hello siStar! I've been inspired! Watch my video below and consider coming to this completely FREE Workshop next Friday. All the details and where to register are below the video! I hope to see you! Much Love! 

The elusive idea of Free many of us can truly say that we have this in our lives? 

Instead, what we've come to accept is running from thing to thing, always feeling behind, always feeling like there's no time to catch up, and feeling like there's no space at all to even think about taking some time for yourself. 

The cycle feels like it's never-ending. 

The beautiful thing though is that it *can* end. You *can* reclaim your time. You *can* find space in your life for YOURSELF and those things that are actually vital to you showing up as your best self anywhere else. 

It can truly be a simple process and in this free workshop, I will show you just how easy it can be. I will teach you 3 key secrets to claiming your free time and a simple process to implement them. 

You will walk away from this workshop with the tools to make a major shift in your life and to finally feel like there is time for YOU in the midst of everything else.

I'm excited to spend this time with you and share what I've learned on my journey! If free time is something you need more of in your life, I invite you to register! I'll be preparing goody bags for all the attendees that do.

*This first workshop I'm intending to keep small and intimate so that there is even more space for transformation. Right now, I am capping that number at 6, so if you are feeling drawn to this, don't hesitate :-)! 


*This workshop is being held at a private location, so once you are registered, I will send you that information.

Much love! 



The First New Moon Psychic Guidance Session


The First New Moon Psychic Guidance Session

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Happiest of New Year’s siStar!

Can you feel the excitement of the new year? Every email I’ve received and post I’ve seen is all about the new year and new goals and resolutions and the like. Everyone is on this beautiful high. It’s wonderful to feel and contagiously uplifting. I’m loving it.


I’m loving it particularly for myself. Already this year has filled me up with awesome instant manifestations. And it’s only Day 5! (Btw, can you join me in wishing my sister Jeanette a Happy Birthday today?? I know she will feel the love :-).) I’ve been inspired into some beautiful eaasssy action that is taking me on a lovely journey already. I’ve linked up with just the right motivation and guidance and next steps and finally, that sense of *rightness* is settled in. I just *know* it’s all working out into my dreams lightening fast all of a sudden. I *know* that my signals antenna is primed and active. I know that they right next steps are easily laying out in front of me. And what’s probably the best feeling - is that I know I’m going to be wonderfully fine and happy, regardless what comes. Accessing my happiness when I need/want to regardless of the circumstances? Yes, that muscle is strong within me these days. This past year of *active* exercising of this muscle has most definitely paid off :-D.


Magickal? Yes! So much so that when I was thinking about how I wanted to best kick off this year and pass on some of this goodness to others, two ideas rose to the surface.


Today I’ll share the first one. Tell me what you think!


On the 17th, the day after the New Moon, I’m offering something unique.


You probably know already about my spiritual/psychic nature. It’s something that I’ve had to learn to embrace in all of my circles, not just the ones that I think would *approve*. But I’ve been laying out cards and reading for others since 2002 - it’s one of my most innate gifts and something that just comes easy. So as a part of my ease this year (2018’s Word), I’ve decided to share it more with you all.    


That evening at 7:30pm, I’m inviting you to a group online Psychic Guidance Session with Yours Truly. Everyone that joins the session will be able to ask a question and receive a reading. Because of this, I’m keeping the number of participants very small so that everyone feels heard and helped.


Our focus in this session will be drawing upon divine insight on how to use this New Moon energy to set your new year off on the right track in whatever area you are most concerned about. I know that everyone can not afford a 1-on-1 reading or coaching session, so this is a way that everyone can have access to these invaluable services at a price that is easy to say yes to.


The price is $22 and the magick number is 5. With me included that will be 6, a calming and comforting number of good memories that can take us into a bright and more fulfilling future, if you let it.


If you are in need of some guidance for your new year, this is perfectly timed just for you. You can reserve your slot here via PayPal.

Once I receive your payment, I will send you the call details.


I am beyond excited about this! It’s something that has been on my heart for ages. I can’t wait to connect with you!




How to minimize stress and overcome anxiety

Hey siStar,

I want to tell you a story. It’s a story about me and it’s fairly recent. It’s a story about how I could be devastated and heartbroken, yet still be balanced and focused enough to keep hold of my hope and faith. It’s a story about what it has taken to move from a place of letting every upset, stress and discomfort throw me off track and convince me that the unspoken fears in my mind just might be true to a place where I can admit sadness and still see the bright glow of the sunrise of my dreams and goals on the horizon.

How is this possible?

It’s because of the work I’ve done to love myself deeply. It’s because of all that I have learned and put into practice about what that truly means. I had to learn what it really meant to take care of myself. I had to learn what it really meant to *listen* to myself and *hear* all the layers of what I tell myself. I’ve had to learn how to see through to the truth of who I am at my very core and begin to understand why I’ve taken on so many other versions of myself that just aren’t true.


And then I had to begin the work of telling myself something different. And then doing something different. And then finally - through a lot of trial and error and *patience* - I began to feel something different. I began to feel like life *was* working out for me. That I was *just* as entitled to a happy road as anyone else. And that in fact, I could create it with a lot more ease than I thought.


Getting to this place is nothing short of magickal. Magickal is truly the best word to describe it. The sense of potential that I have now about life is magnetic - figuratively and literally. I’m constantly bringing in experiences now that can only be explained by coincidence or serendipity and I choose to believe in the latter.


I want to help you experience this and I know that if you are sitting in a cesspool of anxiety, overwhelm, and stress (could this be you?) the first steps have to be about cleaning up the muck and putting an immediate halt on those feelings. Immediate relief is the step before the step of peeling back the layers and making the permanent changes that get you to the magickal place of peace, calm and sanity.


That’s why I created The Mighty Overwhelm MInimizer Course. My first version of this course was a mini introduction to how to immediately reduce the feelings of overwhelm, stress and anxiety (usually followed by our friend depression). I felt strongly compelled though in the past month to expand and fill out this course so that it isn’t just an introduction, but a true guidepost for you in taking these transformative steps forward.


In this course I will teach you:

** The power of gratitude and why it’s essential to your foundation

** The gift that aromatherapy gives in combatting anxiety and depression

** How to choose the right self-care actions for yourself and customize your own *effective* self care plan

** How to diffuse overwhelm from the viewpoint of self-love


And so much more!


I’ve designed this course to be powerful, transformative and life altering. And furthermore, I’ve designed it to be easy to digest, powerfully effective and simple to implement. If you’ve been feeling on edge, out of whack and in desperate need of some type of break, I encourage you to make this investment in your peace, calm and sanity.


I am so excited about sharing this course with you that I made it extremely affordable for you at $197 so you can experience the same results as me. In fact, I’ve packed this program with an incredibly valuable bonus to support you in your transformation. I wanted to make this available to all participants, but I knew this no-brainer would usher an influx of participants who would be eager for personal time to explore particular blocks. I incorporate the help of the Tarot and look into concrete ways to overcome them energetically and tangibly. Due to the amount of time and energy I invest personally into my “clients”, I truly have to limit that number.


You not only get the Mighty Overwhelm Minimizer Course, but you get an in depth, 90-minute, one-on-one intuitive coaching breakthrough session, valued at ($250).  This package, including our interaction together is easily worth more than $600, however, I want to make it completely accessible and cost-effective for you at $197. However, the bonus is only available through midnight tonight, CST.


Simply press the button below to get access. If you’re anything like me, I know you want to embrace a moment to exhale and release anxiety and the guilt and pain it causes  and gain peace of mind, calm and sanity.


Don’t worry. You have support in the journey. In fact, if you have any questions, I am here for you. Just click here to message me <3. 
