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Recap of the WINMind Fit Workshop


Recap of the WINMind Fit Workshop

This past weekend was magickal. I was a guest speaker at the WIN MINDFit Workshop. It's really difficult to explain how healing and beautiful it was. I can say though that I am beyond honored to have been a part of it and I am so grateful to be able to continue to be a part of it. I am so looking forward to the next installment on June 9th. 

My talk was all about your ego and how it really is doing the best it can trying to protect you. Once you have an awareness of that, it's so much easier to have compassion for yourself and to stop yourself from falling into knee-jerk responses of fear, self-loathing and ultimately projection. 

Speaking at #WINMindFit 

Speaking at #WINMindFit 

The theme of this workshop was finding the WILL to change. The next will focus on sustaining change. If you are curious about joining us, you can find more information at  


If you know you are ready to make major changes and are in need of support, remember I'm always available to help you create your game plan. Just message me and we can schedule some time to chat. 





My Podcast is Live!

blogpost jan. 12th.png

2018 is already a year of momentum! I’ve been spending a lot of time contemplating my word for the year: ease and letting it be my guiding light. Already, it’s helped me make easy choices that have led me to insights and experiences that I’m giddy about. One of them is finally starting my podcast!


Yes, you read that right - after at least a year of thinking about this podcast, it’s finally a reality! You can now tune into I Thrive: For Those Healing from Depression and Anxiety here:


I found a great *easy* platform to begin on and my first episode is now LIVE!


I would love for you to check it out, give me feedback, subscribe and share it! You can find it in the ITunes store and on Spotify or listen on your favorite podcast player. Just click the link below and it will take you to a page where you can click ITunes or RSS feed (scroll to the bottom). The RSS feed will take you to your podcast player (so be sure you have one installed if you are listening on your phone).


They also have an option to listen within your browser if you download Pocket Cast. So tons of options my friend!


Again, I would love your feedback so please pop back over here after you listen and let me know your thoughts! Check it out here:


Big hugs and big love <3!



Bachata, Livestreaming and Clarity...

Leah Patterson

Hey siStar!

How has your week been? Mine has been filled with the ups and downs of life. I've had some very low points and thankfully some ecstatically high points and my week is ending settled somewhere nicely in between. Lots of gratitude for that :-).

I have a busy weekend ahead of myself also with judging and teaching in Memphis. I'm judging a bachata contest tonight and tomorrow I'm teaching a ladies styling workshop. And the most unique thing happening is that after my workshop, I'm going to have a little informal talk with the attendees about how dance can be a powerful form of self-empowerment for women. I always imply this and if you've been with me for a while, you probably already know that I feel this way. However I've never combined both my dance world and my personal development world in the same offering. 

It's what I've been wanting to do though. So when the universe dropped this opportunity for a workshop in my lap in a place where people already know me well, I knew I had to take the chance to move the vision forward just a bit. 

So I'm curiously hopeful and expecting of a really gratifying experience and I will of course report back about how it all goes. (And if you are wondering will I mention MOVE, of course I will! Sweatproof, natural makeup is absolutely empowering, especially for dancers.). 

Before I say adieu this week, I want to leave you with my latest livestream on my personal Facebook page. Yesterday eve I talked all about the new direction that I'm boldly headed in with my coaching work. It's what I've always been doing but just hadn't realized. Watch it here and let me know your thoughts in the comments. I would love to hear what you think about it! 


You are never Unworthy


You are never Unworthy

What’s helping me today is realizing that I’m allowing this thing to mean something that ultimately boils down to invalidating me. I’m allowing this occurrence to make me question my value and place the decision maker outside of myself. And although that’s so easy to do, it’s never the right thing to do.
You really have to get to a point in your life where your sense of value is maybe shakable but never breakable.