Hey there beautiful! Thank you so much for jumping in on the 7 Days to Clear Skin Challenge! I'm excited for you to start and begin seeing your skin change for the better. It's not as hard as you might think and this challenge will set you on the right path :-). You will be receiving all of the steps you need each day to rock out the challenge directly to your email inbox. (Be sure to whitelist info@leahpatterson.com so that you won't miss any messages!)
In the meantime, I've created a really special offer for you that will get you started right away and give you all the essential steps you need to start seeing your skin glow blemish free!
I've created the DIY Holistic Skincare Mini-Course just for you!
This mini-course consists of 4 Video Lessons covering exactly which skincare steps you need to start incorporating and why. It also covers exactly how to get into DIY'ing your skincare products and why it's such a great idea to do so. You'll receive my basic recipes and guidance on how to blend for your specific skincare concerns.
In addition to this, you'll also receive 4 bonuses!
- 3 - part Video Series on Essential Oils for Acne
- Essential Oils in Skincare for Self-Empowerment Guide
- 5 Steps to Gorgeous, Radiant Skin Guide
- My 5 Top Essential Oils for Skincare Guide
Truly, you'll have everything you need to start your skin on a surefire path to being blemish, wrinkle, and redness free!
This mini-guide is usually $18, however if you purchase it now - TODAY ONLY - you'll be able to have it for half-off! So you'll just pay $9 instead of $18. Purchase it today!