Random picture :-). Always a reason to smile and be silly!
Whew, what a week! It was such a doozy, that I’m recapping on Monday night and posting Tuesday night! Still catching up, lol. But it was sparkled with quite a few little lesson gems and cool experiences, some that I'll share in pictures and one that I'm going to talk about in detail :-).
Like for instance, learning to suck it up and think your highest thought instead of your lowest one. That gem came by way of having to replace a customer’s MOVE Makeup order when it disappeared. I often will deliver makeup in the city to customers and sometimes I have to leave it for them in a mailbox. Well this time, I was delivering to a customer’s workplace and I put her package in the wrong business’ box (aghast!).
Now you’d think all was not lost right, because that neighbor would just hand over the package that clearly didn’t belong to them, especially when asked about it.
My Halloween Salsa Party at Cilantros Grill was GREAT! This is me and my awesome friend Keenan - can you guess what her costume is?
However, this was not the case. The employees denied anything had been there. Even the owner claimed he didn’t see anything. So what do you do when you KNOW you did something? I KNOW I left that package there lol.
The only right thing to do was to take responsibility and replace the makeup, which I did. But do you know how livid I was! And how helpless I felt. There was nothing that could be done. It was their word against mine. In that moment I lost just a little bit of faith in humanity thinking about how people could lie so easily and blatantly.
Yet finally though, I hit my eureka moment. I realized that this was an excellent test. How can I turn this negative into a positive? How can I rise above this? What’s the truth here? The truth here was that I was replacing $20 worth of makeup – big deal! You can spend $20 on a good meal. Heck, you might even spend $20 at the local fast food restaurant for you plus one. $20 is nothing to cry over and definitely nothing to allow myself to feel any real angst over. Why let something so small shake up your entire day? And isn’t that saying something subconsciously to myself – if I’m worried and distraught over replacing $20 worth of makeup?
Yes it does.
So in that instant, I decided to “not cry over spilled milk” and better yet, to celebrate the fact that I *could* replace the makeup so easily. That right there is a blessing :-). And I decided to not assume anything about where the makeup ended up. No reason to create bad vibes in my mind about things I can only guess about right?
So ladies (and gents because I welcome all here!), my little bit of wisdom sharing for you today – when you find yourself in one of those seemingly impossible situations, pay attention to the truth of the situation – the *real* truth and not the drama in your mind. Often times it’s not nearly as bad as you think AND there’s probably even something to be glad about in there too!
As I was getting myself to this eureka moment, I definitely had some calm-inducing help. Have you heard of chamomile tea my friends? Chamomile has actually become one of my favorite herbs. I’ve just started to appreciate it more in the past year or so. When I combine it with other herbs like peppermint and lemongrass, it calms my nerves and helps me center my thoughts with an extra bit of focus. If you are busy bees like myself, give it a try. It’s very easy these days to find chamomile in your local grocery store. I’d suggest getting a brand that packages it for therapeutic purposes and not just for the flavor, reason being the amount that will be in each tea bag and the hopeful lack of additives. Traditional Medicinals has always been a good choice for me. Combine it with a chamomile and a peppermint tea bag and give yourself a few moments of heavenly pause :).
Yep, one more event last weekend - presenting and vending at the Naturally Hurd Hair Event on Sunday. It was an outstanding event - sold a lot of makeup and made a ton of connections and got good and exhausted :-D!